
July 2024

Today (3rd July) we held our 'General Election' 
Children eagerly visited our polling station to place their vote!
Our Year 5 children created their parties and campaigned for 2 changes they want to bring to our school.
Campaigns included: 
- having a school pet
- implementing a school house point system
- sponsoring a child in another country
- implementing 'Enrichment Days' where parents will be invited into school to share with their child in a new learning activity, such as cooking, arts and crafts
Our Year 6 children were our 'Electoral Commission'
They were responsible for running the election. They opened the polling station, issued ballot papers, helped voters and counted the votes. They ensured our election day ran smoothly and announced the results!
We had a very interesting result. The Legendary Pika City Party and The Happy Hamsters Party drew with 34 votes each - so, we find ourselves with a 'hung parliament'!
These 2 parties will be meeting with Mrs Terrey to negotiate which of the changes they campaigned for will be put in place.
Watch this space for further news!