
Policies & Information

At St Mary and St Joseph's Catholic Primary school, we are committed to ensuring all pupils achieve to their full potential. Our staff work with pupils, parents and outside agencies to provide the best opportunities for our students and to create an environment for them to be successful and happy in school.
For those children identified as having a Special Educational Needs or Disability (SEND), these children are monitored on the school's Inclusion Register (also known as the SEND Register) by the Senior Leadership Team and by Mrs Terrey, our SEND Coordinator. If you wish to get in contact with the SEND Coordinator, please contact the office on 01929 462565 or via email at office@smsjwool.dorset.sch.uk .
Information on what support we offer children in our provision can be found in the downloadable documents below.
For information on what support Dorset Local Authority can offer, please visit:
Information for families on childcare, education, family support and activities that are available in Dorset can be found on this site. This includes information on what SEN means, support in early years settings, information on EHC plans and services that offer support to young people with SEN, which are all found in the 'Education and Learning' section.
If you need any further advice on SEND matters, Dorset Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) can be found here.
It is hoped that all situations of concern can be resolved quickly through discussion and early action. However, if a parent / carer feels that their concern or complaint regarding the care or welfare of their child has not been dealt with satisfactorily, an appointment can be made by them to speak and explain the issues to the SENDCO. Our school complaints policy can be found on our website.
SEND Policies and Documents